President Trump Signs Executive Order on Dismantling the Department of Education

On Thursday, President Trump issued an Executive Order (EO) which states, “the Secretary of Education shall, to the maximum extent appropriate and permitted by law, take all necessary steps to facilitate the closure of the Department of Education and return authority over education to the States and local communities while ensuring the effective and uninterrupted delivery of services, programs, and benefits on which Americans rely.”

The EO also states, “the allocation of any Federal Department of Education funds is subject to rigorous compliance with Federal law and Administration policy, including the requirement that any program or activity receiving Federal assistance terminate illegal discrimination obscured under the label “diversity, equity, and inclusion” or similar terms and programs promoting gender ideology.”

Senate HELP Committee Chair Bill Cassidy (R-LA)  has already indicated he will introduce a bill to eliminate the Department, but it will require 60 votes for approval in the Senate and its 47 Democratic Senators are in near lock step opposing such a measure.

Last week the Department of Education initiated a reduction in force (RIF) impacting nearly 50% of the Departments workforce. The Department’s workforce went from 4,133 workers as of Trump’s inauguration to roughly 2,183 workers.

The Executive Order may be accessed here and a White House fact sheet is here.