In 2005, the Association’s Board of Directors approved the creation of a leadership development program aimed at individuals in ASAHP member institutions. The eighth iteration of this offering will occur in 2020 with Part I scheduled for May 15-16 in Columbus, Ohio. Part II will take place in Long Beach California on October 26-27 immediately prior to the 2020 Annual Conference, which is on October 28-30.
Individuals who are accepted for the program also will be expected to register and participate in the Annual Conference and pay the full registration costs for that meeting.
The program will feature outstanding guest speakers who possess significant expertise and experience in various aspects of higher education administration. The period between May and October will be devoted to a combination of team projects. Participants will have the opportunity to pursue issues of interest while also developing personal leadership skills.
· No fewer than 10 and not more than 16 participants will be selected. Normally, no more than one person will be chosen from any single member institution.
· Eligible applicants: Priority will be given to department chairpersons/directors, associate/assistant deans, and new deans (appointed within the previous 24 months at the time of applying). Others would be considered based on space availability. Self-nominations are permissible.
· The registration fee for each participant is $1,500. Expenses for lodging, travel, conference registration, and meals will be the responsibility of either the individual participant or the institution.
· Applications must be submitted electronically by November 30, 2019 to
The application form may be found here. Participants will be notified of their selection in January 2020.