Today, the House Ways and Means Committee advanced, as amended, H.R. 3398, The Pathways to Health Careers Act of 2019, by a vote of 24-16. The bill, which House Democrats introduced earlier this year, reauthorizes the Health Profession Opportunity Grant (HPOG) program at significantly increased funding levels and greatly expands opportunities for individuals to develop the education and skills required to enter a host of allied health professions and nursing, particularly for low income individuals.
Committee Chairman Richard E. Neal (D-MA), said, “this legislation will make the Health Profession Opportunity Grant program, which has a proven track record of success, available to workers in all 50 states, tribal communities, and the U.S. territories. Not only do HPOGs help struggling Americans get good jobs, they also strategically address our country’s health worker shortage.”
ASAHP worked closely with House Committee staff in support of this legislation.
Chairman Neal’s Opening Statement may be accessed here.
Chairman Neal’s statement upon passage may be accessed here.
H.R. 3398 may be accessed here.
HPOG Fact Sheet may be accessed here.