House Appropriations Committee Releases Funding Allocations and Markup Schedule

House Appropriations Committee Chair Tom Cole (R-OK) announced his FY 25 funding allocations for each of the twelve Appropriations Subcommittees. Similar to last year, these allocations did not include additional funding from the “side deal” to the debt limit agreement. If included, it would have provided a 1% overall increase for domestic programs. However, without this side agreement, Cole states that the allocations reflect a 6% overall cut to domestic programs below last year’s levels, and the Labor-HHS Appropriations Subcommittee would see a 10% cut below last year’s level. Chair Cole intends to mark up the Labor-HHS in Subcommittee is June 27 with Full Committee markup on July 10. 

House Democrats have already signaled their strong opposition to the proposed FY 25 funding allotments. House Appropriations Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) laid out the stark divide on nondefense spending in the House in her press release, which details the enacted $778 billion FY 24 nondefense spending line, compared to the no higher than $711 billion FY 25 level sought by House Republicans, and the at least $786 billion FY 25 level sought by House Democrats. DeLauro said any additional increases to defense funding must be paired with dollar-for-dollar increases in nondefense funding.

The House Republican allocations may be accessed here, and the markup schedule here. The House Democrat’s press release may be accessed here.