Call for Clinical Prevention and Population Health Curriculum Framework 5-year Revision Workgroup Members 

The Healthy People Curriculum Task Force, convened by the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research, is seeking health professions and public health faculty with expertise in population health to serve on a national curriculum revision workgroup for one year beginning in October 2023.   Faculty experts are needed to serve on four component-specific workgroups of the Clinical Prevention and Population Health Curriculum Framework (Framework), a national teaching resource that provides a common core of knowledge for clinical health professions about individual and population‐oriented prevention and health promotion efforts. The Framework was first published by the Task Force in 2004 and undergoes revision every five years.

Curriculum Revision Workgroups

1.    Foundations of Population Health: Quantitative and analytic skills used to assess, compare, describe, and monitor the health of populations.

2.    Clinical Preventive Services & Health Promotion: Evidence-based, health promotion and disease prevention interventions in the clinical setting.

3.    Clinical Practice & Population Health: Opportunities and disciplines that require individual- and population-based health perspectives.

4.    Health Systems & Health Policy: Systems and policies that help to govern the health and healthcare system, including collaborations between the clinical care and public health communities.

Curriculum Revision Workgroups Charge

The role of the workgroups is to address redundancy, gaps, and recommend major and minor editing for their respective Framework Component. Workgroups will also review edits proposed to other Components and may participate in the open comment period revisions and final review.  The Workgroups will assemble comments and proposed edits into one document for sharing with the Task Force and other curriculum revision workgroups in December 2023, March 2024, and May 2024. 

Responsibilities of Workgroup Member

·  Contributes to the development of themes and general goals for the Component revision, considering health equity, the pandemic, and changes to global health since the last revision.

·  Provides comments and specific editing suggestions (in MS Word Track Changes or Google Doc).

·  Compares and aligns proposed edits with content of other Framework Components.

·  Identifies evidence-based resources that support the Component’s content and revisions as needed.

·  Attends quarterly virtual meetings of the workgroup. 

·  Reviews draft and final versions of the Curriculum Framework.

·  Participates in dissemination efforts.

Eligibility to Serve on Workgroups

The Task Force encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and geographic areas. Individuals wishing to serve on a workgroup must be either an APTR faculty member or member representative (departmental membership) or health professions faculty nominated by one of the organizations represented on the Task Force.

Length of Service: 

October 2023 through December 2024

Estimated Time Commitment:

3 hours/month October-May; 1 hour/month June-December 

How to Serve

Complete the Self-Nomination Form by September 22, 2023.  Workgroup members will be selected to balance expertise, perspectives, and geographic distribution on each workgroup. Selections will be made by mid-October.

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More details may be accessed here.