President's FY 24 Budget Request

This afternoon, the President’s FY 24 budget request was released. The request for $1.73 trillion in discretionary funds is a nearly $90 billion (5.5 percent) increase over the current fiscal year. The request calls for a 7 percent increase in nondefense discretionary spending and a 3 percent increase in defense funding. House Republicans are seeking roughly 9 percent cuts from FY 23. The Administration’s FY 24 request for the Department of Education is $90 billion, a 10.8 billion (13.6 percent) increase. The maximum Pell of $8,215 for the next school year, a $820 overall boost from $7,395 which takes effect July 1. The Administration’s overall goal is to double the overall Pell maximum grant by 2029. The Administration is requesting a $15 billion (11+ percent) increase for the for the Department of Health and Human Services. In the President’s budget request, HRSA would receive a discretionary funding level of $9.205 billion, around $285 million less than what was enacted in FY 23.

The President’s budget request may be accessed here. The HHS budget in brief may be accessed here. A statement by Secretary of Education Cardona may be accessed here. The Department of Education budget summary and background may be accessed here. A funding chart of the HRSA Title VII and VIII Health Workforce Programs is available here.