House Appropriations Committee Approves LHHSED Funding Bill

This afternoon, the House Appropriations Committee approved the FY 22 LHHSED funding bill on a 33-25 vote. The bill provides $253.8 billion, an increase of $55.2 billion (28%) above FY 21. A Manager’s Amendment (here) was adopted by voice vote which makes technical and noncontroversial changes to the bill and report. The only other amendment adopted was from Rep. Harris (R, MD-1), which strikes sections 116, 117, and 118 of the underlying bill.

The markup lasted around four and a half hours, with remarks from Chair DeLauro, Ranking Member Granger, Subcommittee Ranking Member Cole, and former Chairman Rogers being generally cordial despite disagreements over the bill’s funding level as well as the fact that it excludes two previously included abortion riders: the Hyde amendment which generally prohibits federal funding of abortion and the Weldon amendment which covers refusal of care and prohibits the government from discriminating against entities that don’t cover, provide, or pay for abortions. Remarks from some Committee members became impassioned during lengthy debate over an amendment from Subcommittee Ranking Member Cole (R, OK-4) that would restore the Hyde and Weldon language. Ranking Member’s Cole amendment was rejected on a vote of 27 to 32.

House Majority Leader Hoyer wrote in a Dear Colleague letter that the House will take up seven bills (LHHSED, Agriculture, Energy-Water, Financial Services, Interior-Environment, Military Construction-VA, and Transportation-HUD) in one bundle the week of July 26.

The House Committee on Appropriations press release is here.  Chair DeLauro’s statement is here. Ranking Member Granger’s statement is here.