HRSA Leadership Education in Adolescent Health Funding Opportunity

HRSA has released a Notice Of Funding Opportunity announcement for Leadership Education in Adolescent Health grants through the Maternal and Child Health Bureau’s Division of Maternal and Child Health Workforce Development. The purpose of the LEAH Program is to improve the quality of care and equitable access to appropriate health services for adolescents and young adults (AYA) by preparing leaders in AYA health through interdisciplinary training at the graduate and post-graduate levels. One objective is to prepare diverse AYA health professionals, through didactic, experiential, and research-based interdisciplinary education and training in core health disciplines of medicine, nursing, nutrition, psychology, and social work.Eligible applicants include domestic public and nonprofit private institutions of higher learning. Seven awards are expected for $3,245,594 in estimated total program funding. The application deadline is February 1, 2022.

More information may be accessed here.