Lessons from the Front Lines: COVID-19 Call

Lessons from the Front Lines: COVID-19 (Friday May 15 at 12:30 – 2:00 PM Eastern)

Lessons from the Front Lines calls are a joint effort between CMS Administrator Seema Verma, FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, MD, and the White House Coronavirus Task Force. Physicians and other clinicians are invited to share their experience, ideas, strategies, and insights with one another related to their COVID-19 response. There is an opportunity to ask questions of presenters. The call will take place on Friday, May 15, from 12:30 – 2:00pm Eastern.


Toll Free Attendee Dial-In: 877-251-0301; Access Code: 8983296

Web Link: https://protect2.fireeye.com/url?k=13db3037-4f8f191c-13db0108-0cc47a6d17cc-3e08fb388e16c445&u=https://engage.vevent.com/rt/cms2/index.jsp?seid=2045

Conference lines are limited. Interested parties are encouraged to join via audio webcast, either on thier computer or smartphone web browser. These calls are not intended for the press.