On Friday, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and Rep. Michal C. Burgess (R-TX) introduced the Educating Medical Professionals and Optimizing Workforce Efficiency and Readiness (EMPOWER) for Health Act of 2019. This bipartisan legislation would reauthorize Title VII HRSA health professions education and training programs from Fiscal Year 2020 through Fiscal Year 2024. Allied health programs are eligible entities for the Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Programs (GWEP) and Geriatric Academic Career Awards (GACA). Rep. Burgess urged the Energy and Commerce Committee to consider the legislation soon.
Rep. Schakowsky’s statement: https://schakowsky.house.gov/press-releases/schakowsky-burgess-introduce-empower-for-health-act/
Rep. Burgess’ statement: https://burgess.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=402128
Bill text: https://burgess.house.gov/uploadedfiles/empower_for_health_act_2019.pdf
Bill summary: https://schakowsky.house.gov/uploads/EMPOWER%20for%20Health%20Act%20H.R.%202781_SUMMARY.pdf