Award for Institutional Excellence and Innovation in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Health Care

Award for Institutional Excellence and Innovation in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Health Care

The Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions (ASAHP) strongly endorses interprofessional education (IPE) and interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP). Support for IPE and IPCP is based on the idea that collaboration will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery systems to promote team-based, patient/family centered health care. As the leading organization representing health professions schools, ASAHP serves as a collaborative resource and advocate for interprofessional education to students, faculty, professional accrediting bodies, and practitioners through instruction, research and service.

In 2018, through the Award for Institutional Excellence and Innovation in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Health Care, ASAHP looks to recognize a member institution and/or industry member for outstanding achievement in IPE and IPCP.  In addition to the award, several institutions will also be recognized as “Programs of Merit” by ASAHP.

Award Criteria

Candidates for this award must be ASAHP institutional members and should demonstrate outstanding achievement in two or more of the following areas:

  1. Initiatives are inclusive and comprehensive in scope in the preparation of collaboration-ready health professionals.
  2. Initiatives are strongly committed to assessment of outcomes and dissemination of scholarship.
  3. Initiatives are strongly connected to their Institution’s mission and culture.
  4. Initiatives are connected to external stakeholders in the community.
  5. Initiatives promote personal, community and population health.
  6. Initiatives advocate for social justice and address social determinants of health.


Nomination Process

Award nominations must be submitted by the designated representative from the ASAHP member institution.

Award submission via email to should include the following information:

  1. Letter of application how the institution meets the award criteria.
  2. Letter of support from administrator at institution.
  3. Letter of support from external stakeholder. (if applicable)
  4. Five (5) artifacts with a short abstract/description that represent the initiative’s activities, this could include course materials, news releases, journal articles, etc.

Submission Process

Award applications close on June 1, 2018. Applicants will be notified of their status no later than August 1, 2018. All nominations must be electronically submitted to:

Presentation of Award

The institution will be invited to present a poster on their initiative at the 2018 ASAHP Annual Conference.


For questions about the award packet and criteria, please email