This is part 2 of a 2-part webinar series hosted by ASAHP's Online Education Subcommittee looking at the challenges health professions education programs face as the higher education landscape changes. In this session, we address today’s students and provide insights into what students are looking for from the college experience. We will also explore the challenges students face, and the opportunities that exist to recreate and rethink classroom strategies while providing suggestions to assist with educational delivery.
Jeff Kallay, SVP of Enrollment Consulting, Echodelta
Jeannie Guglielmo, MS, MAT, MLS(ASCP)CM, Chair, Clinical Laboratory Sciences, School of Health Professions, Stony Brook University
Rose Tirotta-Esposito, EdD, Director, Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching CELT, Office of the Provost, Stony Brook University