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The Supreme Court Deliberation on Consideration of Race in Admissions: Potential Impact on the Healthcare Workforce and Health Equity

National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education Webinar

The Supreme Court Deliberation on Consideration of Race in Admissions: Potential Impact on the Healthcare Workforce and Health Equity


  • Gain a historical perspective on recent challenges and supreme court decisions on race in admissions

  • Identify key aspects of the current challenge and hearing at the Supreme Court

  • Articulate potential impact of supreme court decisions on the healthcare workforce and on efforts to advance health equity

  • Discuss the challenges of potential decisions on recruitment and admissions and on the education of future healthcare professionals and strategies to address them.   


Jonathan Alger, JD, President James Madison University

One of the Counsels representing Michigan in Grutter Vs. Bollinger in 2003  where the Supreme Court decided that Race can be considered as one among other factors considered in admission

Perspective: Discuss current case reflecting on 2003 Grutter vs. Bollinger; discuss potential outcomes and challenges and opportunities presented to universities; discuss the role and social mission of universities in the context of diversity, equity and democracy.

Heather Johnson Alarcon, JD
Senior Director, Legal Services, Association of American Medical Colleges
Perspective: Discuss current case reflecting on AAMC Amicus Brief and AAMC missions and potential impact on physician workforce

Lee  Jones, MD
Dean for Medical Education, Georgetown School of Medicine
Chair Elect, AAMC Board of Directors
Perspective: Discuss challenges and opportunities presented to medical schools. Provide insight on impact of potential outcomes on healthcare workforce and the unique history and societal roles of the profession.

Vernell DeWitty, PhD, RN
Senior Consultant for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Perspective: Discuss challenges and opportunities presented to nursing education and workforce development. Provide insight on impact of potential outcomes on healthcare workforce and the unique history and societal roles of the profession.