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2020 ASAHP Live Virtual Series - Curriculum Innovations Related to COVID-19

ASAHP is proud to announce the launch of our 2020 Live Virtual Series featuring over thirty-six presentations from allied health professionals across the country. Presentations will take place every other week, with holiday exceptions, beginning September 30 at 1-2PM ET. Each session will typically feature three abstract presentations. These presentations will also be recorded and archived on our website at

More information and registration is available here.

November 11 Presentations

  1. TAKING CLINICAL INSTRUCTORS OUT OF THE CLINIC: VIRTUAL SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS; Darryl Young (SUNY Upstate Medical University); Marissa Hanlon (SUNY Upstate Medical University)

  2. TRANSITION OF AN IN-PERSON CULINARY PROGRAM TO REMOTE DELIVERY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC FOR ADOLESCENTS WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER; Jeanette Garcia (Universityof Central Florida); Keith Brazendale (University of Central Florida); Eunkyung Lee (University of Central Florida)

  3. IMPLEMENTATION OF AN INTERPROFESSIONAL 1-800-COVID-19 HOTLINE CALL CENTER TRAINING SIMULATION; Layla Simmons (University of Arkansas Medical Sciences); Karhryn Neill (University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences); Jared Gowen (University of Arkansas for Medical Scicences); Kristen Sterba (University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences); Megan Lane (University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences)