Competency-Based Education

Approximately three years ago, Eduventures Research set out to answer two simple questions: In what ways had schools implemented competency-based education (CBE) and what might be its prospects for further growth? This week, the results of a new study, the 2018 National Survey of Postsecondary CBE, will be released. 

The study can be obtained at

Consumer Protections For Preexisting Health Conditions

A new report from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) discusses concerns of individuals with preexisting health conditions regarding practices in the private health insurance market in which insurers use medical underwriting to assess their risk of offering health insurance to applicants. 

The report can be obtained at

Addressing the Nation’s Primary Care Shortage

Access to primary care is a challenge for many individuals with health coverage as well as the uninsured. Thirteen percent of U.S. residents (44 million) live in a county with a primary care physician shortage, defined as less than one primary care physician per 2,000 individuals. The primary care access challenge has impacts on rural, urban, and suburban communities. A report from UnitedHealthGroup discusses the role of nurse practitioners and physician assistants in meeting this challenge. 

The report can be obtained at

Share Of Immigrants With U.S. College Degrees Is Increasing

According to the Pew Research Center, U.S. immigrants are as likely as the U.S.-born population to have a college degree, although the rate depends on their country of origin. The share of immigrants ages 25 and older with bachelor's degrees rose from 7% in 1980 to 17.2% in 2016, while the share with postgraduate degrees increased from 8.7% to 12.8% during that time. 

Additional information can be obtained at

IPEC Interprofessional Leaders Development Program

The call for applications for the February 6-8, 2019 IPEC Interprofessional Leadership Development Program (ILDP) is now open.

Applicants for the 2019 IPEC ILDP should either be a dean (and other senior academic administrators with similar institutional responsibilities) and/or administrators who are responsible for integrating IPE in school-wide learning experiences.  For this program, deans and senior administrators from multiple schools at the same institution are strongly encouraged to attend as a team, along with their campus-wide IPE administrator.

For more information, please visit the ILDP site.

Congress Agrees To Increase Funding For Health And Education

Congress reached an agreement on a bipartisan bill that was negotiated by a joint House and Senate conference committee on an appropriations package for FY 2019 that would raise the maximum Pell Grant by $100 to $6,195, increase funding for the Department of Education by $581 million to a level of $71.5 billion, and increase funding for the NIH by $2 billion for a total of $39.1 billion. The legislation, which is packaged with a defense spending bill and other short-term funding legislation, must now be approved by the full House and Senate. Congress has until September 30 to pass the bills. 

The conference report can be obtained at

CMS Proposes To Lift Unnecessary Regulations And Ease Burden On Providers

Today, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a proposed rule to relieve burden on healthcare providers by removing unnecessary, obsolete or excessively burdensome Medicare compliance requirements for healthcare facilities. Collectively, these updates would save healthcare providers an estimated $1.12 billion annually. Taking into account policies across rules finalized in 2017 and 2018 as well as this and other proposed rules, savings are estimated at $5.2 billion. 

More information can be obtained at

2017 American Community Survey Estimates

The U.S. Census Bureau this week released 2017 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates, the most relied-on source for up-to-date social, economic, and housing information every year. It is the only source of local statistics for most of the 40+topics it covers, such as educational attainment, occupation, language spoken at home, and disability status. Estimates are available for the nation, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, every congressional district, every metropolitan area, and all counties and places with populations of 65,000 or more. 

This resource can be obtained at,

Health Insurance Coverage In The United States

A new report from the U.S. Census Bureau presents statistics on health insurance coverage in the United States based on information collected in the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC) and the American Community Survey (ACS). 

The report can be obtained at

Education At A Glance: OECD Indicators

Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators is the authoritative source for information on the state of education around the world. It provides data on the structure, finances, and performance of education systems in OECD and partner countries. It imparts key information on the output of educational institutions, the impact of learning across countries, and worldwide access, participation and progression in education, along with financial resources invested in education, as well as teachers, the learning environment, and the organization of schools. 

The report can be obtained at

Hospital Employment Increases In August

According to a new report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the hospital segment of the health workforce increased by 8,200 in August 2018 compared to the previous month. Seasonably adjusted, the number of hospital employees was 5,189,300, which is 94,600 more than one year ago.  

The report can be obtained at

Preventing Heart Attacks And Strokes

Heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular events were responsible for more than 2.2 million hospital stays and 415,000 deaths involving adults in 2016, according to a Vital Signs report released on September 6, 2018 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Unless there is a more serious effort to address risk factors, U.S. adults could experience another 16.3 million cardiovascular events by 2022.

The report can be obtained at

The State Of Private Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-term care insurance (LTCI) can play a role in financing long-term services and supports (LTSS) needs, however, the high cost and complexity of these products and concerns about rising premiums have affected consumer demand. A report from AARP includes facts and figures on LTCI and information on the emerging market for short-term care products.

The report can be obtained at

Implementing Disruptive Change In Higher Education

Huron, a global consultancy, recommends that in assessing engagement and communication, an institution should look for communication that fosters a culture of high accountability through aligned goals, behaviors, and processes. It also should look to build a sponsorship structure that will be the driving force behind implementing the vision set by leadership.

Additional points on how to implement disruptive change can be obtained at

First Annual Report On Next Generation Accountable Care Organization Model

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released an evaluation report for the first performance year of the agency’s Next Generation Accountable Care Organization Model, which generated net savings to Medicare of about $62 million while maintaining quality of care for beneficiaries.

The report can be obtained at

IPEC Institute - Interprofessional Education: Advancing & Sustaining Your Program for Collaborative Practice

The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) will hold its next Institute on October 3-5, 2018 in Phoenix, AZ.  The institute will provide participants the opportunity to acquire and utilize knowledge and skills to further advance their existing institutional interprofessional education and collaborative practice program.

Health professions faculty and their IPE colleagues and collaborative practice partners will have both quality time and dedicated space for guided learning, team-based planning activities, and consultation with experts and peers in order to emerge with an advanced programmatic action plan to augment their current IPE and IPC initiatives in program and outcomes evaluation and assessment. The last day for early bird registration is September 13. 

More information can be found here.


Where ACA Marketplace Enrollees Turn For Information Or Assistance When Enrolling

The Urban Institute’s Health Reform Monitoring Survey finds that 54.6% of 2018 Marketplace health plan enrollees nationwide received help from a source other than a website the last time they looked for information or enrollment assistance – down from 63.6% in 2016. A growing minority (39.3%) of Marketplace enrollees relied solely on a website for information or enrollment assistance in 2018, up from 22.7% two years ago.

The report can be obtained at

Health Care Employment Data For July 2018

Health care added 16,700 new jobs in July 2018, below the 12-month average of 23,800 new jobs per month. Hospitals added 6,800 jobs in July, under the 12-month average of 7,900. Ambulatory settings such as physician offices added 9,900 new jobs, below the 12-month average of 15,600. Year over year (July 2018 compared to July 2017), health jobs grew by 1.8% while non-health jobs grew by 1.6% and the health share of total jobs was steady at 10.75%.

The report can be obtained at

Prevalence Of Disabilities And Health Care Access By Disability Status And Type Among Adults

One in four U.S. adults has a disability that has an impact on major life activities, including 40 percent of adults age 65 and older, according to a report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The most common disability type – mobility, or serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs – affects one in seven adults.

The report can be obtained at